​What We Do
Troop 500 offers the program of Scouts BSA to boys and girls in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of our nation's capital, Washington, DC. The mission of the Scouting is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
We do this through a comprehensive and exciting program that emphasizes leadership, outdoor fun, citizenship, and personal growth.
Troop 500 goes on an outing at least once a month. Activities backpacking, caving, skiing, canoeing, bicycling, rafting and other trips.
Each summer we have a week-long summer camp at a BSA camp such as Goshen Scout Reservation. Scout camp is a great time to work on outdoor merit badges like Swimming, Camping, Mammal Study or Canoeing.
Troop 500 also does an annual High Adventure trip at one of the BSA's High Adventure bases or one developed by our own youth. Our trips have included Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, Sea Base in Florida, Northern Tier in Minnesota, and the Kandersteg International Scout Center in Switzerland.
Documents on the history of our troop are available as part of MS 0881 at the Historical Society of Washington DC.
​Who Can Join
You can join Troop 500 if: you're a girl or boy between the ages of 11 and 17, or you're at least 10 years old and have completed the 5th grade.
Click here to see pictures of some of our campouts, meetings, and other activities.

When and Where We Meet
Troop 500 meets most Mondays during the school year from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church, located at 201 4th Street SE, Washington, DC (on the corner of 4th and Independence, SE).
On a typical Monday night, we might work on knots, plan a campout, make snowshoes, learn first aid or listen to a speaker talk about caves!
Come join us (just a bring mask) and introduce yourself! For more information, email Scoutmaster Bryan Dierlam or email Scoutmaster Alison Black.
Please see our full calendar for specific meeting days.

Adult Leadership
​Scoutmaster: Ted Brady
Scoutmaster: Alison Black
Committee Chair: Alastair McFarlane
Chartered Organization Representative: Mike Ryan
Communications: Paxton Helms
Treasurer: Scott Douglas
Webmaster: Paxton Helms
Eagle Scouts
Troop 500 is proud of how its programs and activities combine the fun and adventure scouting with built-in opportunities to earn merit badges and advance in rank .
We support everyone from new scouts working for their Scout rank to all the way up to Eagle Scouts --those Troop 500 scouts who have earned the highest rank in scouting.
Learn about Troop 500 Eagle Scouts by clicking here.

Uniform and Insignia of the Boy Scouts of America
There are two uniforms that we wear in Troop 500: Class A and Class B. The Class A uniform is the tan uniform shirt with the patches sewn on, dark green or tan pants/shorts and the Troop 500 T-shirt. The Class A uniform should be worn at all Troop Meetings, Courts of Honor, on High Adventure trips and at special events. The Class B uniform is the Troop 500 T-shirt. We wear this on campouts and Troop functions like service projects.
The Troop has started a uniform swap box for outgrown and unused uniforms, so feel free to ask the Scoutmaster if there's a uniform in your size before you buy your own.
If you would like to purchase your uniform, the BSA's National Supply Group has all the things you need. An older Scout in the Troop or a Scoutmaster can help you and your parent figure out what things you need to buy.
Troop 500 believes strongly that cost should never be a barrier to your participation in Boy Scouts, so if getting a uniform (or camping gear) is a financial hardship, let the Scoutmaster know and we'll do whatever we can to help you get the things you need.
All are welcome in Capitol Hill Scouts Troop 500!