Serving DC youth since 1994

Our Commitment to Diversity
Capitol Hill Scouts is an organization formed to charter units of the Boy Scouts of America for the youth of the Capitol Hill area of Washington, DC. Capitol Hill Scouts has no specific religious or faith-based affiliation. Although some of our units meet in churches, we are not affiliated with any church. Participants in our program are diverse with respect to race, religious background, and sexual orientation. As an organization we have always valued diversity and have welcomed anyone who was interested in becoming a part of the program we have to offer.
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Capitol Hill Scouts has always valued and worked to realize what we believe to be the traditional positive goals of scouting. Among the principal goals and attributes as we see them are:
An opportunity to learn about and practice responsible citizenship.
An opportunity to acquire skills which can develop into deeply rewarding lifetime pursuits.
An opportunity to develop leadership skills.
Healthy fun.
A personal sense of accomplishment that comes from either the development of new skills or through formal recognition that comes from advancement and awards.
Capitol Hill Scouts values diversity in its youth and adult leaders, and welcomes all who are willing to adhere to the Scout Oath and Law. Since 2001, Capitol Hill Scouts has had a public, formal diversity statement expressing that we welcome all scouts and leaders, regardless of sexual orientation.
Capitol Hill Scouts is insistent that all connected with the program behave in ways that respect all concerned. Should anyone in our program behave in a way that is inappropriate, intrusive or violates the rights of others, they will no longer be involved and the appropriate actions will be taken.